In the year 2022, the students from Northern Lights Private School (NLPS) have participated in two mega academic competitions, the Kangaroo Math and Kancil Science competitions.
Kangaroo Math Competition is currently the world’s largest math competition with more than 4 million participants from 96 countries in 2022. In Kangaroo Math 2022, there were more than 45,000 participants representing over 1,404 schools from all over Malaysia. Kancil Science Competition is an annual competition for primary, secondary and pre-university students that aims to challenge students’ science knowledge through critical thinking, problem-solving, and general scientific knowledge which became a platform for students to be selected in the national team and participate in International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO). In Kancil 2022, there were 18,477 participants representing over 771 schools from all over Malaysia.
After going through vigorous and extensive training provided by the school coaches, in just our first-time entry to these competitions, we, from NLPS, managed to secure remarkable results where the following students have made our school proud for both the competitions by attaining the top 50% (Honourable Mention) and top 10% (Medals) ranking in Malaysia.
Kangaroo Math Competition

Kancil Science Competition

To highlight on achievements by our outstanding students who participated in both categories, were three students from our primary school and one student from our secondary.
- Teh Judson (Primary), who managed to secure a silver medal and a bronze medal from the Benjamin category Kangaroo Math and Beta category Kancil Science competitions, respectively.
- Lim Ting Herng (Primary), who managed to secure a silver medal and an honourable mention award from the Benjamin category Kangaroo Math and Beta category Kancil Science competitions, respectively.
- Ooi Joe Wei (Primary), who managed to secure an honourable mention award and a bronze medal from the Benjamin category Kangaroo Math and Beta category Kancil Science competitions, respectively.
- Khor Huey Hsien, who managed to secure honourable mention awards from both the Junior category Kangaroo Math and Gamma category Kancil Science competitions, respectively.
A loud shout out to our fellow winners. Let’s keep the fire going and continue to learn with a passionate heart towards new heights in the academic world of mathematics and science.
At NLPS, we believe our pupils’ potential is only limited by their dreams!
Dream big, act now, the future is yours!